Abstract: Autonomous Transport Vehicle (ATV) is a driverless transport vehicle. It is basically used to transport people to pre-determined locations. As an autonomous vehicle, it is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. To make the ATV cost effective and less complex than presently available, driverless cars, which uses DIP technology, GPS, Cartesian coordinating etc., here we use RF-ID tagging for pre-determining the location. This ATV uses IR sensors to determine the path. ATV determines the shortest path to be taken between two predetermined locations using Dijkstra’s Algorithm. It uses an obstacle sensor which is the ultrasonic sensor for detection of pedestrians on the path. An on-board LCD display is in-cooperated within ATV to display information regarding its functioning. Such type of small scale ATVs can be used in institutional areas like within the campus and in tourist areas like parks for recreational purpose. Here we use our ATV inside the campus for transportation purpose within the campus.
Keywords: Cartesian Coordinating, Dijkstra’s Algorithm Arduino Mega.